Wednesday, December 1, 2010

As it stands...

   Right now, we're a bit in between places. We are so fed up with the land lady. So many things with our place are not up to code and are just not right. We've been without heat for almost two weeks now and still no end in sight so we've been staying with my dad and Debbie. They've been wonderful, I'm so grateful for all of my family.
   Oh yes, and did I mention that our building is in FORECLOSURE?! Our plan? --Cease paying rent, use said rent to find another place to live pronto. As we see it, we're not going to pay rent for a place that we are not even living in and will how cold it has been it is simply uninhabitable. Todd and I have been pounding the pavement looking for a new place and some things look promising; we'll keep everyone posted.
   Rowan seems to be getting over his ear and sinus infections, the antibiotics have really done the trick. We have way less mucus to deal with which is making everyone involved much happier. On the flip side, he's had some diarrhea and now has a terrible diaper rash, we've been slathering the butt paste on and it seems to be improving so that's good.
   On a lighter note, we got our holiday photos done and they look great! I love DeeDee Ortiz Photography. She's always so great-- very friendly, listens to and follows what we want, but she also has fresh ideas that turn out great. She also allowed us to bring Luke along for the session :) Can't wait to get our order in!!!!
Also, Christmas is almost upon us and all but about $10 of our shopping is done!!!!!! Ahhh, it feels good :) I feel really good about the gifts that Todd and I are putting together this year, it feels so much better than buying a thing and giving said thing away. I mean, it's all just stuff but I've put more consideration into it than simply grabbing and buying. Also, we've saved a ton of cash due to cashing in my safety points at work. I got $40 for both Target and Wal-mart all for simply filling out vehicle inspections and attending meetings :) That's $80 that we didn't have to spend, YAY! I've also been earning a sizable amount with my crocheting. I've sold 4 hats so far, am working on 1 right now, and have a total of 5 more I'm getting ready to make come pay day. And with all of them $15-$25 a piece, that adds up. I'm really enjoying it as well. I feel some purpose and pride in it, which I think was lacking before all of this. Hurrah for being an entrepreneur! Christina would be proud :)


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Feeding time at the zoo

   Had lots to do this month and all of it with strep throat! I thought I had it licked with antibiotics then--- POW! Round two tapped in. I've been getting by but it's been really tiring. Sorry, not trying to have a blog pity party, I swear.
   So anyway, Rowan and I headed down to DeeDee Ortiz Photography in Chico this past Wednesday for a photo shoot. DeeDee needed baby models and since mine's just so adorable, she invited us down :) We had an amazing shoot! Rowan was a total ham for the camera and never fussed. I can't wait to get the prints back and give them out for Christmas! The best part? We scored the prints for free!!!
   Also in the Reynolds news this week: Rowan started food!!! He's been eating rice cereal for a while but today we tried some peas. He's not so sure about them hahaha and our little eating session ended with him crying but it was still a lot of fun :) Here's a video for your viewing pleasure
    On a kind of sad note, Rowan's come down with a cold. He started getting off of his routine a couple of night's ago and Todd and I have been going nuts with him being awake. Being sleep deprived can make anyone crazy, especially when you already work 40 hours per week. We had no idea why he was doing it until last night his nose started running and he began coughing. Poor little man :(
    I hope he's better for Thanksgiving! We've got a lot of family to see! Poor Todd didn't know what he was getting himself into when he married me haha. Anyway, I think that's all for me tonight. Love you all!


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Here goes

   So here goes my first blog post. I'm starting one for my own mental health and for the family and friends who don't get to see us very often.
I find that it has been especially important to keep up with everyone since Rowan is growing so fast! It really only seems like last month when I delivered him (although I'm glad that it wasn't, those first few months with him were rough!) I find new things in his face or mannerisms every day; it's astounding! He's so cognitive now, reaching for my face and smiling when he hears me talk. There's nothing like it <3 He's sitting up by himself more and more as you can see from this photo:
    That was taken last week and, even now, he's sitting up taller and straighter. A moment ago he watched me use the mouse pad on my laptop and he leaned forward and did a very good job mimicking me. I know that this child is never going to settle for what is "appropriate" for his developmental level which is both a blessing and a curse. Todd and I have our hands full with him already and he's not yet mobile!!!
   Todd leaves for boot camp in a couple of months-- January 18th. Life sure is going to be different! We haven't spent a week apart from each other since we got together and now it's going to be 3 months! I'm planning to fly out for his graduation so Rowan and I will get to see him during the 6 months he's in training. It's going to be tough though; one of the big trials of my life. I know that I'll get through it though, I have a great support system :)
   Well that's it for me today. Love you all!!!