Friday, May 20, 2011

Change and change alike.

I always find myself noticing the change in people-- and resenting it. Have you ever had that moment, where you meet up with an old friend and you have all of these expectations of falling right back into that great friendship of old? Then you find yourself standing in front of a stranger disappointed and sad...

I feel that I should very clearly say that this is completely selfish. It is silly and unfair to expect a person to stay the same as time passes. It is also important to say that people don't necessarily change for the worse either... Merely, my disappointment stems from the expectation and longing to have the same feelings of ease and comfort that I had in the past.

People change..... so much. The only thing to be done is to swallow that selfishness and get past it. Perhaps I need to try harder to familiarize myself with the person with my old friends' face? My way of life is certainly not the only way, I just do my best to be good. I wish others, however, would be open to listening to my perspective. I hope also to be open to doing some listening myself.

On a completely different note, Rowan had his 12month photos done. Who else finds the idea of this AMAZING?! My little baby will be a year old on Moday.......... He did well at the appointment but didn't really care for the cake lol. I'm very excited to see how the session turns out :) Afterward, however, he threw up-- too much sugar for a digestive system that is unused to it.

All in all I'd say that this day could best be described as.............................awkward.

Monday, May 2, 2011


What can I say? I'm a TERRIBLE blogger! lol I just fill up all of my time with so many other things and when I get around to my "internet time" it happens to be cutting into my bed time!!!

So, a lot has been going on. First and foremost, I joined Weight Watchers in January. From then til now I have lost 30.4 lbs and haven't had a weigh in that showed gain. This is THE MOST successful I have ever been in my life. I don't know what happened but something just clicked in my life and it was time for change. Perhaps it was because I was fast approaching a new (larger!) pant size, perhaps because Todd has been away for training, or perhaps because I was getting winded playing with my baby. I just thought, I'm not going to live very long if I keep this pace up. And, ya know what, I just want to look sexy! lol

Anyway, in addition to modifying my diet with a program, I found a great friend who is a MACHINE at the gym. She pulled me in and pushed me out of my comfort zone. It has been a slow and arduous journey but, by golly!, I'm a runner!!! For those of you who've known me for any length of time, you are well aware that I've never been a fan. The reason being that I've always been so awkward. Turns out that with some practice and someone right there telling me to keep going it can be done!!!

Today I hit a big milestone. I really struggle with distance running (I'm much more comfortable sprinting) but today I was able to run 2 miles almost non stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess the 5k Diva Dash being on Saturday really shocked me into pushing it; that and my group was running really behind this morning and I knew I only had 30minutes to work out instead of 45. Anyway, I put together a really kick butt playlist last night so I popped my headphones in and went for it!!! Having the music was a HUGE help. I found my running pace at last! And, just like that, it wasn't a struggle anymore. I was shocked to discover that I COULD DO THIS!!! So I made two miles in 22minutes, a new personal record!!!

In addition to running 3miles Monday-Friday, I go to Zumba Tuesday & Saturday, Spin on Wednesday, and Boot Camp at 5:30 AM Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Boot camp has been a real killer but I've really started toning up which I LOVE!

As far as other recent life events, well it's a big month here in the Reynolds home! My birthday is next Monday, Rowan will be one year old on the 23rd, and Todd's birthday is the 24th-- whew! We're a bunch of May babies :) For those who are wondering, we're not having Rowan's birthday party until Todd gets home.

Uh-oh, Rowan's into things---gotta go! <3